Maintaining ambient temperature and humidity


Ambient temperature and humidity sensors

This system allows you to control the temperature in automatic mode or by manually adjusting the desired temperature for each room from the interface on a tablet or a computer.
For the convenience of heating control, you can configure heating scenarios. A heating scenario holds and stores statuses of the necessary air temperature settings. When the respective scenario is activated, parameters saved in the scenario are recorded in the operational ones. The T scenario is activated by a control command from the Interface or according to a selected timer.
If desired, a temperature and humidity sensor running on batteries according to an internal data transmission protocol can be used. In this case, wiring is optional.
Installation: The location of a temperature sensor wire should be at a distance of at least 2 m from doors and windows and at least 90 cm from the floor; if necessary, install it in a separate wall plate.
A thermoelectric servo 24-220V is installed on a circuit in the collector of underfloor heating. (Make sure to mark this servo according to the design.)
Functional check of the sensors is conducted by the temperature being detected; when the thermal sensor’s temperature exceeds 30 degrees, you will see the following message: “Warning: The thermal sensor exceeds the temperature range you have set up and is possibly damaged.”
The house heating will continue to work without ambient temperature stabilization.

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